Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Premises of Meaningful Dialogue

These are a few premises to meaningful dialogue and by extension vitalized relationships. The common denominator among all the couples that I see in my practice is that their struggles revolve around the core issue of "not being heard." The following premises are preconditions for speaking so that you can be heard, and listening so that you can hear.

  • A genuine relationship is two-sided and beyond the control of either person’s will

  • Words spoken with meaning heal

  • Speech with meaning depends on each of us finding the courage to make our word count

  • It requires the courage to imagine what is real for another

  • Engagement is made real and vital when people face each other, hold onto their own ground, and try to hear what another really intends

  • Acknowledging another person eases tensions between you and offers a chance to re-engage

  • Willingness to risk initiative provides a reparative way

*from www.trustcounts.org/premises

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