Monday, June 11, 2012

Three Sacrements of Dialogue

Presence   Directness   Immediacy

Speaking with meaning to the injured order of existence
in which we each have a part.

 “Here Am I”

Characterized by focus, intensity and attentiveness to what is happening between you and another. What  matters is the person(s) in front of you and the fragile link between you.

“When Deep Calls to Deep”

Neither understated nor brutal but committed to due consideration, requires courage, respect and fidelity to your own truths and convictions. Directness anticipates risk and reaction, and demands fortitude and endurance.

“This Very Moment”

Happening here, now, cannot be delayed, deferred or repeated. It cannot be duplicated, replicated or reconstructed. This very moment can be a starting place, an end point, a jump-off point or a point of no return. In and of itself, this moment is singular and unique like a snow flake that leaves it mark and melts away. This moment awaits your presence.

Beautiful Sentiments from

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